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About me

Picture Frame Graphic

Howdy boys and girls, shut up and listen to me ramble pedantically! I grew up in the small, little known town of Las Vegas, Nevada. A haven for wacky weirdos and interesting characters. I picked up the concept that everyone is weird in some way and developed a disturbing obsession for inventing imaginary people. My love of character design and development is eternally undying and stronger than your love of anything. Yes. That is a challenge. Come at me. On a less goofy note, I'm gonna name a bunch of dudes who inspire my artwork in many ways and hopefully you'll look into them, as they are far superior. Jim Lee and Jack Kirby inspire the more dynamic figures and compositions of my more recent works, though I consider both areas to be personal weaknesses for me and I'm working on it. Mike Mignola, Bruce Tim, and Frank Miller taught me my love for beautiful simplicity and use of deep black throughout my inked images. Junji Ito, Kentaro Miura, and Brian Bolland taught me the value of taking my time to create detailed and beautiful labors of love, some of which are my favorite pieces. I appreciate you taking the time to read that dorky monologue, and thank you for taking a look at my work.

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